Last year, there was a contest called "The Face of Brocade". Ten winners would win an i-phone. We were supposed to write in, 60 words or less, why we liked working at Brocade, and attache a 5 Megapixel picture. I didn't have a 5 Megapixel picture, so I submitted a grainy 2 Megapixel photo of myself and wrote a couple of lines about "Brocade is a great place to work because management knows that the success of a company begins with the ownership, commitment and pride of the employees"... It wasn't that good, and I don't wish to dig up my old email to quote myself.
Well, I didn't win, and when I saw who the winners were, it seemed to me like it was a photo contest. The winners all seemed to have submitted professional photos of themselves. However, I, and 9 others, were sent an email from a PR person saying that they were sorry we didn't win, but they liked our photo so much that we would be invited to a photo shoot. So off I went to a photo shoot. The photo ended up being on an internal brocade poster, and just this past month, ended up being the main photo featured on the external website. It was exciting to get this type of "visibility".
Well, of course, no one really notices the person on the website. Who actually visits the website? But it was fun to show off to my friends and my kids, who also told their friends about it.
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