Saturday, April 2, 2011


I just realized something. I'd rather work than do stuff I should be doing around the house... wash dishes, laundry, taxes, organize theplayroom, scrapbook, sit with my kids while they're doing piano. The only thing that beats working is playing volleyball! I feel guilty about reading books, watching movies, surfing the web. I do like playing with the kids or teaching them stuff, but a lot of times they're doing their own things. James is as much of a work-aholic as me. Sometimes I get pulled away because I have other commitments, like meetings with people, or Sunday school to prepare for. Anyway, I just think it's weird that when it comes down to it, I like working so much. It kind of reminds me of my friend Chrissy. When she was living with us for a couple of weeks, she was playing Sodoku on her free time. I think that's just like me wanting to add another feature to my model, right?