Friday, June 1, 2012

Funny thing overheard on carpool

This past year, I've had the pleasure of driving my son and daughter and their friends around, and it's always so funny to hear stories from their perspective.   They always make us parents sound so unreasonable and tyrannical and I'm hoping they realize their exaggeration.  Anyway, I thought I could share the most recent story.

Jacob's friend W:  Whenever my mom is mad at my brother, she always takes it out on me, too, even though *I* didn't do anything.
Jacob:  yeah, me too!  My dad's worse.   He even gets mad at me just because his team is losing!  Like, yesterday, I was walking up the stairs to go to bed [while OKC was getting trashed by the Spurs] and he yells at me, "WHY AREN'T YOU IN BED YET?" and then I told him I was walking to my bed right now and then he goes, "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS ARGUING BACK?"


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