Saturday, November 15, 2014

Object Permanence and Fun Childhood Memory

When I was growing up, I was really slow in understanding the concept of "object permanence", which led to some really bad littering, like even at the age of 6, I loved to throw trash out the bus window because "it just disappeared". But it also led to a very fond memory.
I remember this awesome game of hide and seek I had with my brothers when I was 6. I decided to hide in a wonderful spot behind the bundled up curtains of the shower, surely with my feet sticking out of the bottom. My brothers came into the bathroom and I heard them whispering to each other . The next thing I know, they were both saying,"Where's Elaine? How did she just disappear?" and reaching around the shower curtains, always missing me. Meanwhile, I was screeching loudly with delight with each of their questions and movements. This game lasted for 5 minutes until finally they left the bathroom in despair of not finding me, and I re-emerged happily to tell them where I was. They both acted so surprised and I was very happy to believe them. Even now, I like to believe that they never found me. However, as an adult I still try to hide behind curtains when I play hide and seek with my family, but unfortunately, James and my kids have made it clear that this hiding spot just isn't as magical as it used to be.

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