Sunday, September 9, 2007

Kettle corn & Pho don't mix

On Friday, Joanna and I went to the farmer's market to buy kettle corn to fill in goody bags that I was going to pass out to my 1st - 3rd grade children's worship class.  Well, it turned out we had a lot extra, so I ate about 4 cups on my own.  That, plus a medium sized milkshake from baskin robbins and a big bowl of chicken soup on Friday night = typical eating binge.  It wasn't even a certain time of the month when I have food cravings.  Then on Saturday, I had two birthday parties in which I felt the need to have multiple slices of delicious, cheesy and tomato-saucy pizza.  I stepped on the scale this morning and hit an all-time personal high, which is 8 pounds higher than my lowest weight since having Joanna.  (The wonders of breastfeeding). Then for lunch, I had pho, and it really solidified my weight-gain and midsection, making it completely impossible to wear any of my zip-up shorts comfortably.  I weighed myself today, and the scale was up another 2 pounds.  I better have self control tonight for our bi-weekly family dinner with James' family.

The sad thing is that I thought I was supposed to LOSE weight now that I quit work and supposedly have so much more time to exercise!   Well, coincidentally, I did start doing my Kathy Smith upper body workout on Wednesday, and lower body workout on Friday.  I was sore like crazy since I haven't picked up any weights for a couple of months.  That might have triggered my food cravings, and swelling and bloatiness after satisfying them.  Makes it seem better for me to not exercise so that I can have less muscles and weigh less and feel smaller, though flabbier, and not have those eating binges caused by my body trying to repair & build muscle tissue (or at least that's what I'd like to hope is the reason why I was feeling hungry).

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